Toulouse 2024 TalksToulouse 2024 Talks - Aerospace Meetings
April 23 and 24, 2024
17th edition of the Toulouse Talks - Aerospace Meetings!
This project was launched in 2004: the AAE joined forces with the "Collège de Polytechnique", which brought its knowledge of continuing education to the table, and set up a committee of aerospace manufacturers and research organizations to find out more about their needs. The Talks model was decided upon: two days with technology modules corresponding to the training needs expressed by the sector's manufacturers. After some two years of preparation, the first Entretiens de Toulouse took place at ISAE in 2008, and proved a great success. That's why we've decided to hold another session every year. This debate-based training program is the only event in the aerospace sector to open up to subjects with high industrial stakes, while preserving the confidentiality of exchanges. It's high-level scientific and technical training, focused on current issues and drawing on the best experts. The Talks offer participants the opportunity to update their knowledge and pool their expertise on a range of scientific and technical subjects, all of which are key to the future development of the aerospace industry.