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EAIE 2024The 34th Annual EAIE Conference and Exhibition in Toulouse

From September 17 to 20, 2024

From September 17 to 20, 2024, the University of Toulouse, Toulouse Métropole and the Occitanie Region will be hosting the European Association for International Education (EAIE) in Toulouse.

The EAIE conference is THE major annual gathering of higher education professionals in Europe.

After a 15-year absence from France, this event will bring together more than 6,000 higher education professionals from over 90 countries for conferences, workshops and exhibitions on the challenges of internationalizing education.

Why host this conference in France and Toulouse in 2024?

  • Bring France into the competition of major international higher education fairs: EAIE is the equivalent of NAFSA in North America and APAIE in the Asia-Pacific region;
  • Give a European dimension to the challenges of French higher education policy: excellence, internationalization and inclusion.
  • Promote the training offer and excellence of the 280 French universities and schools that took part in the Barcelona edition in 2022 (probably more in Toulouse).
  • Contribute to the development of the Africa/Europe relationship, a theme planned for this 2024 edition in conjunction with the Africa-France Summit held in Montpellier on October 8, 2021.
  • Promote French academic excellence in general, and that of Occitanie and Toulouse in particular. 
  • Raise the profile of the universities in the Occitanie region, France's 3rd largest university cluster (260,000 students), particularly the major university clusters of Toulouse and Montpellier.
  • Strengthen the region's attractiveness and influence in terms of higher education: recruiting talent, guest lecturers and researchers, particularly in the context of the experimental establishment that the University of Toulouse has become. 
  • Capture the economic benefits for Toulouse and Occitanie of one of the largest conferences in Toulouse: over 7,000 people / 3 days, possibility of an Occitanie Rail tour Pass, with direct and indirect economic benefits estimated at €8M (figures from the Union Française des Métiers de l'événement).


The European Association for International Education (EAIE) is the European center of expertise, networking and resources for the internationalization of higher education.
It is a non-profit organization founded in 1989 to support the internationalization of higher education institutions. 
The project was initially supported by the University of Toulouse, Toulouse Métropole and the Occitanie Region.
The Ministry of Higher Education, Research and Innovation (DGESIP / DGRI - DAEI B3), the Ministry of Europe and Foreign Affairs (DGM/DCERR/ESR), the Ministry of Agriculture and Food, CPU (Conférence Présidents d'Universités), CDEFI (Conférence Directeurs d'Ecoles de Formations d'Ingénieurs), Campus France, AUF, CNOUS, Toulouse Métropole, Région Occitanie, Régions de France, L'Agence nationale Erasmus+... support this project.
Reinforced support from the MEAE through the mobilization of resources from French diplomatic posts in Africa to promote the mobility of staff from African universities to the EAIE 2024.