Let’s talk about your event


Congrèsdes EPL

The Metropolis of Toulouse will host the EPL (Entreprises Publiques Locales) Congress from the 12th  to the 14th of October 2021 in its new Convention and Exhibition Centre.

The bid submitted jointly by the Fédération des EPL d'Occitanie and the Agence d'Attractivité de Toulouse Métropole has just been accepted by the Board of Directors of the Fédération nationale des EPL in June. The association of these two entities as well as the constitution of a Steering Committee composed of the most emblematic SEMs of the territory was a differentiating argument compared to the other applications.

The gala evening could only be held in an SEM; the Cité de l'Espace, an emblematic place for the diffusion of space and astronomical culture in Europe, will gather the participants under the stars during the gala dinner.


The Toulouse bid proposes a new Convention & Exhibition Centre equipped with the latest technologies and which is in line with a sustainable development approach and which meets the expectations of professionals and the requirements of the events market.
The Metropolis of Toulouse will host the EPL (Entreprises Publiques Locales) Congress from 12 to 14 October 2021 in its new Convention Centre and Exhibition Centre.

Every year, the EPL Congress brings together more than 600 participants representing elected representatives of local authorities, EPL managers, and the public, institutional and private partners of EPL. This congress, which focuses on the challenges of territorial development, is an opportunity to promote the EPL movement in all its components.

The EPL congress is the first confirmed congress in the new Convention & Exhibition Centre.