COOL STARS 21 Cambridge Workshops of Cool Stars, Stellar Systems and the Sun
From 04th to 09th July, 2022
The next edition of the conference series "Cool Stars, Stellar Systems and the Sun" (CS 21) will be held in a hybrid format (details TBD) in Toulouse from July 4 to 9 2022, 42 years after its first edition in Cambridge (USA). This first edition was shortly followed that same year by a workshop on "Solar Phenomena in Stars and Stellar Systems" that took place in the southern French countryside, in a small village called Bonas. Both meetings are often considered as the starting point of this exceptionally successful conference series, where approximately 400 international experts in Low-Mass Stars, Solar Physics, and Exoplanets meet every other year to exchange ideas in a cross-disciplinary and friendly environment. Bonas is certainly not adapted anymore to host what became a major conference, but we will have CS 21 a stone throw away from there in Toulouse, where attendees will enjoy a certain lifestyle that - fortunately - has not change over the last forty years!